Thursday 5 May 2011

Fine Art Yearbook: Layout Development 04

Following today's crit and the supply of new student images, Tim and I spent the best part of this evening making final revisions to the yearbook in preparation for tomorrow's meeting with the committee.

What we wanted to achieve by this was to be a stage where we were happy with the layout for every single student and the only amendments to come would be those that we have been unable to avoid; primarily due to the fact that we are yet to receive the final copy (introduction, touring info etc).

Having worked well into the night, the below issuu document illustrates a 95% complete document with a number of student spreads having been reworked in order to showcase the artwork in the best possible light.

In addition to the students that were updated with new images, an array of spreads were modified so again I shall list them below (in chronological order) to clarify:

01. Geri Callan's spread revised to be less image heavy and easier on the eye

02. Ian Chapman updated with new images, much better!

03. Alex Cunningham's left hand page image moved in to create balance

04. Lisa Derbyshire updated with new images, again much better

05. Katie Dent's spread is now less chaotic

06. Becky Johnson's spread revised for clarity, balance and aesthetics

07. Liam Kelly's spread is now less static and consistent with the book

08. Jane Kenington updated with a new image, although Tim and I suspect this might revert back to how it was before

09. Amy McKeating similarly updated with new images. Although this didn't particularly need it, the spread is actually looking a lot better. Probably my favourite...

10. Simon Phillips' spread is now less image heavy

11. Jonny Rawlin updated with new silhouette images, also much better

12. Isabel Skinner updated with new image, finally the spread works!

13. Naomi Wallis has had the grey space around her left-hand image reduced so the work stands out more and doesn't get lost to the layout


Excluding Bobby West (new images due today or tomorrow latest), I think the pace and dynamic of the publication is shaping up nicely and we are almost at a point where we can start producing final pre-print proofs.

In conjunction with the paper-based mock up, the above issuu document will be available for Fine Art to browse through in tomorrow morning's meeting, which should more or less give them a clear idea of what the entire thing will feel like.

If I had to be picky, I would like a new image from Alex Norcop and Nicolas Tighe, but I am largely satisfied what we have managed to achieve up until this point.

Feedback due tomorrow subsequent to the meeting.

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