Wednesday 11 May 2011

Leeds Festival Fringe: Client Meeting 01

I've known about this brief coming in for a little while now, so I've a little bit of time here and there to prepare for it...

However, today was the first opportunity amidst End of Year Show / Yearbook / Garry Barker goings on that I've been able to sit down and have a chat with Dan about the nuts and bolts of what needs to be done.

Having supplied me with the initial light test photographs from a pre-shoot (above), it was essentially made clear that I needed to apply a clean and concise typographic style around the photographs - the majority of text being set around the main portrait composition. These would then form a series of promo posters that will be distributed around Leeds City Centre and so on for marketing the event.

In Dan's words, what he needs is a style that is 'quite bold, clean and not over the top'.

It was also a preference that the text be a shade of grey to keep the entire design quite neutral. This would then let the photography sing and convey the 'fringe' concept.

Supplied copy:

Leeds Festival Fringe 2011
Thurs 18th August - Wednesday 24th August

A 7-Day Grassroots Metropolitan Festival


To quickly summarise, the photographs look exceptional (as per Dan's work) and I'm certain an approach for this brief can be resolved rather quickly.

Final photographs (that will simply alter through a use of professional models) due 24th May.

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